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joana antunes


Batiment Recherche,
UFR SMBH porte 205

  +33 01 48 38 76 96
+33 01 48 38 85 28

74, rue Marcel Cachin.
93017 Bobigny cedex



2017: Post-doctorant, Laboratoire LVTS, INSERM U1148, U. Paris 13, UFR SMBH, Sorbonne Paris Cité
2015: Post-doctorant, Laboratoire LVTS, INSERM U1148, U. Paris 7 et U Paris 13, Hôpital X. Bichat
2015: Ph-D thesis, Laboratoire INEB/ICBAS/I3S, U. Porto (Porto, Portugal) et REPAIR Lab, UMC Mainz (Mainz, Allemagne)

Professional Duties

Multimodal inorganique and polymer-based nanoparticles (NPs), for cancer and cardiovascular applications
Polymer- and lipid-coated iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) for low-frequency magnetic actuation of cancer cell death (NP preparation and characterization)
miRNA-loaded nanoparticles to enhance endogenous anti-oxidative response after myocardial infarction (unloaded and loaded NP preparation and characterization, in vitro and in vivo response)

Research focuses

Targeted multimodal inorganique and polymer-based MNPs for cancer cell death through mgnetically-induced mechanical rupture of cancer cell membrane and/or other cellular compartments; imaging; cardiovascular applications
Targeted multimodal polymer-based NPs as treatment for myocardial infarction, using micro-RNAs to promote redox homeostasis, among other reparative/regenerative approaches. Dissection of cellular mechanisms behind those cellular processes