MOTTE Laurence

Laurence Motte

Responsable du groupe Nanomatériaux

Batiment Recherche,
UFR SMBH porte 213

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  +33 01 48 38 77 07
+33 01 48 38 85 28

74, rue Marcel Cachin.
93017 Bobigny cedex


1994 -2005       Assistant Professor of Physical-Chemistry, UMR 7070, CNRS- University Paris 6

2001                 Habilitation (HDR) “Nanocrystals: Fabrication and 2D-3D Self Organizations”

2005 -2015       Professor of Chemistry, UMR 7244, CNRS- University Paris 13

2005-                Leader Bionanomaterial team

2006-                Member in: COST Radiomag, France Life imaging, C Nano IdF

2008-2010        Leader UP13 research program ANR BioMag in partnership with Magnisense S.E.

2010-2013        Coordinator research program ANR blanche Ferimage in partnership with UP5, UP7/Inserm

2011-2014        Leader UP13 research program FUI 3MT, leader Thalles

2012                 Promotion to “Professor of Chemistry de première classe”

2012                 Invited Professor at New York University

2013                 Invited Professor at Faraday center for Nanotechnology UCL, London

2014-2016        Advisory committee C Nano IdF; Rencontres Recherche & Industrie des Imageries du Vivant

2014-                Advisory committee Institut Interdisciplinaire en Sciences Expérimentales University Paris 13

2015-                Professor at LVTS, INSERM U1148, University Paris 7, University Paris 13

2016-                Advisory committee: CNanoMat platform UP13

2017-2020        Leader UP13 research program Plan cancer 2017 with LPNCO, Toulouse.

Present research fields

  • Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of inorganic (magnetic, metallic and luminescent) nanoparticles with controlled size, shape and composition using soft chemistry.
  • Strategies for controlled surface functionalization of these nanoparticles for diagnostic and theranostic applications.
  • Evaluation of these nanomaterials in various imaging modalities: MRI, X-ray imaging and fluorescence, and for therapeutic applications, magnetic fluid hyperthermia (coll. LPNCO, Toulouse).
  • Evaluation of nanoparticles uptake and toxicity studies using Caenorhabditis elegans (coll. Celescreen S.A.S.).
  • Nanoparticles as controlled loading vectors for In vivo evaluation of molecules using the Caenorhabditis elegans model organism
  • Nanoplatform development for fibrosis imaging (coll. T. Coradin, LCMCP-UMR 7574, UPMC-CNRS-Collège de France).
  • Elaboration of nanoplatforms for the delivery of antioxidants and implications in atherosclerosis (coll. P. X. Petit, University Paris 5)
  • Study of myocardial dysfunction in meningococcal septic shock on a murine model: contribution of molecular MRI (coll. J. Bergounioux, Hôpital universitaire Raymond Poincaré, UMR 1173, INSERM U1151)
  • Elaboration of tolerogenic nanoparticles for delivery of b cell antigens in Type-1 diabetes in coll. with P. van Endert, INSERM UMR1151/CNRS UMR8253/University Paris 5)