Hlawaty H, Suffee N, Sutton A, Oudar O, Haddad O, Olivier V, Laguillier-Morizot C, Gattegno L, Letourneur D, Charnaux N. Structural glycobiology and human health. Fucoidan prevents intimal hyperplasia in rat injured thoracic aorta through the modulation of MMP-2.30-31/03/2010, Londres, Angleterre

Hlawaty H, Suffee N, Sutton A, Oudar O, Haddad O, Olivier V, Laguillier-Morizot C, Gattegno L, Letourneur D, Charnaux N. Low molecular weight fucoidan prevents intimal hyperplasia in rat injured thoracic aorta through the modulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression. GRRC Printemps de la Cardiologie, 15-17/05/2010, Nantes, France

Hlawaty H, Jacob MP, Louedec L, Letourneur D, Brink C, Michel JB, Feldman L, Bäck M. Leukotriene receptor antagonism and the prevention of extracellular matrix degradation during atherosclerorosis and in-stent restenosis. World Congress of Cardiology,15-28/05/2010, Argentine

Suffee N*, Hlawaty H*, Sutton A, Oudar O, Haddad O, Ollivier V, Laguillier-Morizot C, Gattegno L, Letourneur D, Charnaux N. Low molecular weight fucoidan prevents intimal hyperplasia in rat injured thoracic aorta through the modulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression.Congrès du printemps de la cardiologie, 17-19/04/2010, Nantes, France